ALCHERA has become a leading brand in Turkey and a recognized brand in the world through pioneering steps in textile sector since its establishment in 1963. Today, ALCHERA constitutes the center of evening dress fashion in Turkish textile sector. In this sense, ALCHERA proceeding with firm steps by giving proactive answers to the needs of the market manages recruitment processes with an understanding that gives value and make investment in human resources. 

ALCHERA has developed ''Value Creating ALCHERA Human Resources Management System'' intended for both career planning and needs of its employees through its training and performance evaluations in accordance with its human resources processes.

ALCHERA has adopted as human resources policy that candidates having the qualifications required by the vacant positions are employed at the end of the process during which they are evaluated under equal terms and their satisfactions are prioritized as of the starting date of employment. It is important to evaluate the satisfaction level of the employees periodically and increase the employee engagement in the light of data.


If you want to join ALCHERA world, you can send your curriculum vitae to [email protected] with a cover letter that describes you.

All applications are rigorously reviewed by Human Resources team and applications suitable for the position are included in the recruitment process.


ALCHERA provides internship opportunity in summer and winter periods to the university students with internship obligation to make contribution to their preparation of professional life by offering an environment where they can practice their theoretical knowledge.

Internship opportunity is provided to the candidates who are deemed suitable for the internship among the applications through interviews in accordance with the departments in which they want to take duty and needs of the organizations.


During the recruitment process, there are different applications for the employment of the candidates having the qualifications required by the position.

Personality inventory, general qualification tests, foreign language tests, competency-based interviews are among the methods used. 


Performance Evaluation System applied by ALCHERA to evaluate and measure the efficiency of its employees within the framework of objectives and measurable criteria fairly is based on talent and competency.

Within the scope of the system, objectives and competencies determined for the employees are evaluated at the end of each year. Evaluation results are also used for the determination of training and development needs and within the scope of the career planning and rewarding tools.


ALCHERA employees are subjected to a training program suitable for their duties and responsibilities of their positions as of the start date of their employment.

Orientation Training: New employees in ALCHERA are subjected to an orientation training through which they learn about company culture and work flow in order to accelerate their adaptation process.

Personal Development Trainings: Trainings specific to the persons that will contribute to their career development and through which weaknesses of the employees are determined are planned periodically.

Technical Trainings: Trainings provided for the employees to specialize in their fields. They are updated and repeated in parallel with the method used and development of technologies.


As ALCHERA believes that success depends on the common energy and contribution of each employee, it gives importance to offering a happy environment to its employees and creates opportunities to communicate off-duty through social activities.

New year dinners organized each year and company picnics similar to spring festivals are among the social events of ALCHERA that are waited excitedly. Apart from that, periodic karaoke nights, boat tours, barbecue parties, theater events, bowling and backgammon tournaments are also effective in building-up the communication between the employees.


Please click for the career opportunities in ALCHERA.
